The Carrez Law for a real estate sale
The Carrez Law: Is it mandatory to carry out a diagnosis of surface area calculation for a real estate sale?
The Carrez Law requires all sellers to accurately specify the measurement of the living area of a condominium. This diagnosis is part of the list of mandatory real estate diagnoses when selling an apartment.
How is the area calculated according to the Carrez Law?
The area in Carrez Law is calculated according to precise rules, allowing the buyer to have a legal recourse in case of significant error on the measurement of housing. This calculation concerns the private surface of the dwelling. It is important to calculate the official size of your apartment in order to display it correctly in your real estate ads and, above all, in your sales agreement.
Who is concerned by the Carrez Law?
Since June 18, 1997, the Carrez Law applies to all purchasers of a condominium lot (or a fraction of a lot) by requiring the seller to specify the surface area of the dwelling. It is part of Law No. 96-1107 of 18 December 1996, published in the Official Journal the following day, which aims to strengthen the protection of purchasers of condominiums. The Carrez Law applies to apartments, commercial or professional premises, service rooms of more than 8m², as well as certain houses or pavilions in horizontal co-ownership. However, housing sold off-plan is not subject to the Carrez Law. For detached houses that are not in co-ownership, the mention of the Carrez surface is not mandatory, but it is recommended to specify a Carrez private area in addition to a useful area to provide complete information to the buyer, even if it has no legal value.
Comment est effectué le calcul de la superficie selon la Loi Carrez ?
The calculation of the Carrez area is done by taking into account the surface of the floors of the enclosed and covered premises, after deduction of the surfaces occupied by the walls, partitions, steps and stairwells, ducts, doorways and windows. Balconies, terraces, garages, car parks, cellars, etc., should not be included in the calculation. In addition, the floors of parts of the dwelling with a height of less than 1.80 meters are not taken into account. This rule is intended to ensure that a person of average height can stand in all parts of the area. It is therefore important to take into account the specificities of your home when calculating. Examples and illustrations detailing the elements included or excluded from the Carrez Law are available on various sites to better understand the requirements and calculation methods. For example, cupboards are taken into account in the Carrez Law if they are based on the floor and have a height greater than 1.80 meters. In the case of artements with a ceiling height of less than 1.80 meters, it is preferable to indicate both the surface in Carrez Law and the living area. This makes it possible to transparently inform the potential buyer that the apartment has a larger living area than reflected in the official area. This can be an added benefit to make selling easier.
Par exemple, certains éléments peuvent soulever des questions quant à leur inclusion dans le calcul de la superficie, en plus des pièces classiques. Certains éléments tels que les caves, garages, parkings, terrasses et balcons ne sont pas inclus dans la mesure de la superficie Carrez. Cependant, s'ils ont une surface de plus de 8 mètres carrés avec une hauteur sous plafond d'au moins 1,80 mètre, les combles aménagés ou non, les vérandas, les greniers et les remises sont pris en compte dans le calcul.
Then, if the area mentioned in the deed of sale exceeds the actual area by more than 5%, the buyer can file a claim with the court to obtain a reduction in the sale price proportional to the missing area for all lots. That's why it's essential to accurately measure all surfaces in all rooms.
The buyer has one year from the date of the authentic deed to file a claim for deception on the Carrez area. He may request the cancellation of the sale (with or without compensation) or a reduction in the selling price proportional to the missing area. The amount of notary fees will also be recalculated according to the new sale price. Any overpayment will be returned to you.
It is important to note that the validity period of the Carrez diagnosis is unlimited as long as there is no major work modifying the surface area of the housing.
Il est recommandé de faire appel à un professionnel habitué à effectuer des mesures précises pour cette obligation. Ce certificat de superficie fait partie des diagnostics immobiliers obligatoires lors de la vente d'un appartement. Vous devez donc être en mesure de fournir ces informations, qui sont annexées au compromis de vente ou à la promesse de vente, dans ce qu'on appelle communément le Dossier de Diagnostic Technique (DDT). Cela est valable que le contrat soit réalisé par un notaire, une agence immobilière ou un particulier.
Lors d'un achat, il est important de prêter attention à ces diagnostics mentionnés dans votre contrat avant de vous engager, tels que le DPE, l'état de l'installation électrique, l'état de l'installation de gaz, la superficie Carrez, etc.
Un certificat Carrez a une durée de validité illimitée tant qu'il n'y a pas de modifications majeures affectant la superficie du logement.
De nombreux professionnels sont spécialisés dans la réalisation de ce type de diagnostic. Ils ont une meilleure maîtrise des méthodes de calcul et des nuances d'interprétation des réglementations. Étant donné le coût d'un diagnostic Carrez et les risques liés aux erreurs si vous le réalisez vous-même, il est fortement recommandé de faire appel à un diagnostiqueur professionnel formé et certifié.
Le prix d'un certificat de superficie Carrez varie généralement de 60 à 90 € pour un studio et de 110 à 150 € pour une maison. Vous pouvez également regrouper l'ensemble de vos besoins en matière de diagnostics et demander un tarif groupé pour tous les diagnostics obligatoires. Avant de faire appel à un diagnostiqueur, vous avez le droit de comparer les tarifs et les prestations.
Posted on 15/05/2023 by
Entrepreneur and founder of the agency GABRIEL FRANCE, my career began in the field of accounting, but my passion for real estate led me to this captivating adventure. With GABRIEL FRANCE, we bring our expertise to every stage of real estate, from purchase to sale, including rental management. Through each transaction, our goal is simple: to ensure your satisfaction.