MaPrimeRénov' 2023: What are the novelties and how to take advantage of them for your successful real estate purchase?
MaPrimeRénov', an aid for energy renovation
MaPrimeRénov' aims to encourage work to improve the energy performance of housing. Since its implementation in 2020, it aims to fight against energy-intensive housing, called thermal sieves. Indeed, there are 7.2 million homes that consume too much energy in France. These are homes classified F or G in the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), and which consume more than 330 kWh per m² per year. Thanks to MaPrimeRénov', all owners can benefit from support to finance renovation work provided that the dwellings are at least 15 years old.
What's new in MaPrimeRénov' for 2023 : more support for your energy renovation projects
To take into account changes in the cost of living and new developments in the real estate market, MaPrimeRénov' is regularly updated. The Finance Act for 2023 has thus brought significant changes to the system, in particular by increasing the ceilings for energy renovation work. The allocated envelope has been increased for the most efficient renovations, in particular for work to bring the property out of a state of thermal sieve.
In addition, MaPrimeRénov' now encourages global renovation work by offering a package dedicated to middle- and upper-income households.
Middle-income households can receive aid of up to €10,000 for energy renovation work, while wealthy households can obtain a subsidy of €5,000.
MaPrimeRénov' Copropriété, meanwhile, sees its ceilings revalued from €15,000 to €25,000 for a gain of at least 35%. Additional individual bonuses are also doubled to encourage energy renovation projects in condominiums.
Finally, MaPrimeRénov' Sérénité replaces the Habiter Mieux Sérénité program and now offers a €35,000 bonus for households in fuel poverty.
These innovations are all incentives for homeowners who wish to renovate their homes and improve their energy performance.
How to take advantage of it for your successful real estate purchase?
If you are considering buying real estate, whether to live or to invest, you can integrate energy renovation work into your project. Indeed, the energy performance of a home has become an important selection criterion for buyers. In addition, energy renovation reduces rental charges for tenants, and increases the resale value of the property.
To benefit from MaPrimeRénov', it is sufficient to meet the eligibility conditions, in particular with regard to the age of the housing and the energy performance criteria. It is also important to choose a professional RGE craftsman (recognized guarantor of the environment) to carry out the work. The amount of the subsidy depends on the resources of the household and the type of work carried out.
Finally, be aware that MaPrimeRénov' subsidies can be combined with other aids, such as VAT reduced to 5.5%, Energy Savings Certificates (CEE), eco-PTZ or aid offered by local authorities.
Do not hesitate to inquire with your Gabriel real estate network to find out more about the aid available and the eligible properties.
Posted on 12/03/2023 by
Entrepreneur and founder of the agency GABRIEL FRANCE, my career began in the field of accounting, but my passion for real estate led me to this captivating adventure. With GABRIEL FRANCE, we bring our expertise to every stage of real estate, from purchase to sale, including rental management. Through each transaction, our goal is simple: to ensure your satisfaction.