Real estate in Sotteville Sur Mer (76740)
Price Barometer - Buy and Sell
Are you looking for a house or apartment in the city of Sotteville Sur Mer? Or do you want to sell or estimate your property? Our real estate agency invites you to discover real estate prices and the latest trends to buy and sell safely in Sotteville Sur Mer!
Average property prices in the city of Sotteville Sur Mer (76) !
These figures may vary depending on the location, size, condition and characteristics of the property. This is why it is important to benefit from the expertise of a real estate professional to accurately assess the value of your property.
Information last updated: 27/03/23
Average €/m² for a house
Evolution over a month
Average €/m² for an apartment
Evolution over a month
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Price m² in Saint-Antoine-la-Forêt,
Price m² in Saint-Eustache-la-Forêt,
Price m² in Saint-Jean-de-Folleville,
Price m² in Saint-Jean-de-la-Neuville,
Price m² in Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Taille,
Price m² in Tancarville
Price m² in La Trinité-du-Mont.
Selling prices per m² of the Centre-Val de Loire departments
In the process of being created. Contact us for more information.
Selling prices per m² of the largest cities in France
Si vous n'avez pas trouvé la région, le département, la ville, le village, la commune, l'arrondissement ou le quartier qui vous intéresse, veuillez nous en informer afin que nous puissions l'ajouter.
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